Recommend Material Components in your app
This is all summary about my session in Android Bangkok 2019

My goal in this year is study about Material Design to use in Android Application. I prepared for this to talk and change sequence to tell this.

Finally, I picked 10 Material Components and 5 design topics but I have 30 minute to talk when pick only 5 components in Android Bangkok 2019.
I prepared my blog content relate presentation but my presentation had more change then I write blog for getting start to try Material Components which I cannot put this in my presentation content.

and write 2 blogs for 2 Material Components in my session
- Text Field

- Chips (not Chip & Dale :P)

I write this blog for collect my content in this session and thank you everyone to join in this. Finally, this is video for my session but missing at first component :(
This is my presentation for this.
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Posted by MikkiPastel on Sunday, December 10, 2017